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Lisa Kissane

How to Find the Best Copywriter for Your Business

Updated: Jan 3

Meme from The Sound of Music (Julie Andrews in a field, arms outstretched) with the text: This is me owning my own business

You've got a website ✅️

You've got socials ✅️

You've got dazzling photography ✅️

But it's all lacking...something. Customers aren't converting. They're not buying…at least not from you.

What might be the problem?


Words have power, I say it all the time.

Most writers have a story of a misspelt or misplaced word.

Here's mine.

When I worked in schools, I helped a lot of kids with their English. We read stories and practised forming letters with pencils then pens. The children especially liked when I asked them to write on slips of paper which would go into a jar or pot, get mixed up, then drawn from for a prize or kudos.

On one such occasion, I asked the class of 7 year olds to write down what they would be doing on the weekend. We had a lively chat reading about picnics and parties as each note was pulled from the biscuit tin. Towards the end of the lesson, I pulled out a slip that said simply 'riding a dick'.

You can imagine my reaction, I'm sure.

Internally, you'd be absolutely right.

But I'm a professional, so with a little gentle questioning, I got an explanation. He meant to spell it b-i-k-e.

So you see, words matter.

The wrong words can drastically improve your mood, if done in the correct way.

The right words, though. Those are the ones you want to find.

Slip of white paper with child's cursive writing that says riding a dick


Copywriters have the right words, because we spend time honing our craft, like a warrior with a whetstone sharpening his sword.

We've mastered the art (and science) of putting the right words in the right order to maximise engagement with your target audience.

And there are so many of us! How do you find the right one?

First, you should consider what it is you need. Is it

✍️ Juicy content, like blog posts or Twitter threads?

✍️ Words for a website or landing page for an advertisement?

✍️ An email campaign to slowly draw your potential customers in?

It might help to also be thinking at this stage about what action you want the potential customer to take. Is it to make a purchase? Sign up to a newsletter? Book a consultation?

These two pieces of information together will tell you the first thing you need to decide: copywriter or content writer?

📈 Copywriters write to convert your prospect into a customer. This can involve multiple steps and a strategic plan.

🤳 Content writers, on the other hand, write informational content to add value to your offering, for example blog posts or social media content.


If your ultimate goal is sales (of a product, service or subscription), you want a copywriter.

If you want to bulk up your online content, give your customers loads of touch points and increase engagement, you want a content writer.

Phone screen with social media icons

Let's say you want to increase your sales with an email campaign. Words crafted specifically to resonate with your customers and drive sales or sign ups.

Here are some questions you might like to ask:

👩‍💼 Do you want to work with someone local to you, either in the same area or just the same country? There could be tax implications which you should check for your country.

👩‍💼 How important is it that your copywriter has a passion for your product or industry?

👩‍💼 What's your budget? Remember, you get what you pay for.

👩‍💼 Are there any specialisms that would be useful? You might need someone familiar with certain tech, or with a medical background. But bear in mind that copywriters have skills in making the complex seem simple, so not having specific experience needn't be a deterrent.

Social media is generally a good place to start and the platform you use will be a personal choice. But where you look for a copywriter is an important consideration.

If you’re looking for the cheapest option, go for job boards live Fiverr or PeoplePerHour. If you want someone at the very top of their career, an influencer or thought leader in the industry, LinkedIn might be better.

A Google search will give you plenty of options too, through directories like Pro Copywriters, or by getting specific with your search - terms like ‘find a copywriter’ will give you a broad selection, where more niche keyword additions will sharpen the focus. For example, ‘conversion copywriter for email marketing campaign’ will show you the copywriters who talk about this specifically.

Once you've thought about what you want the copywriter to do and you've found a few options, check out their portfolios or case studies (you can usually do this on their website). Here are the questions to think about at this point:

🤩 Do you like the way they write? It's a big question but should be simple to answer. If you find yourself engaged in their website, that's a really good place to start.

🤩 Are they reliable and easy to work with? You might be able to tell this from testimonials or reviews online, but how do they engage with you after making an enquiry? If they tick the boxes for how you like to communicate, that's another great quality.

🤩 Can they explain things in a clear and concise way?

By this point you might have everything you need to make your decision. But remember, research thoroughly and read contracts carefully before signing.

The right copywriter will make working with them as easy as possible and be able to evidence their writing ability. Most other qualities will be a matter of personal choice.

Good luck finding your match!

If you think I could be the copywriter for you, get in touch.

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